Friday, July 02, 2010

America's Fleeing Freedom -- July 4th

Independence is celebrated in so many different ways around the world. This photo is of our children in Grace Home, India celebrating Indian Independence Day and having a lot of fun. More details here.

The interesting thing about July 4th (Independence Day) is that it's an opportunity to celebrate our freedom as a nation. The irony is that we're fast losing that freedom.

From a European perspective (I'm a Brit), it saddens me to watch America sell her soul out. In the past few years, I've watched this beautiful nation, land of the free, slide down one long slippery slope towards giving up her freedom. Just watch the news. Compromise upon compromise is gripping us at the throat and will lead to our downfall.

America is now promoting illegal activities (I'm not gonna go there, but if it's illegal, we shouldn't reward it). She is weakening the family structure (gay parenthood honored in schools, Obama honors gays on father's day -- hello!), accommodating Muslims while belittling Christians and rebuffing Israel. We are closing our eyes to things that are just darned wrong so we can enjoy ignorant bliss rather than asking questions. Disturbing questions.

There's also the oil spill. Huge oil spill that's done more damage than anyone dares tell us. Hardly a day of freedom for all the wildlife being killed.

More on Independence Day in my latest article in The Examiner.

Janey L. DeMeo

Janey L. DeMeo M.A.
Copyright © July 2010

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