Wednesday, January 30, 2008

REVEIL with Janey DeMeo

Bonjour les français. Today my new French Radio Broadcast, Reveil was videoed (sorta – except I didn’t know really where to look. I’ll get that down better next week.) It went well except we still have to figure how to get the music to broadcast as well and my voice comes across a little slow. (No, I was not taking drugs and I did sleep last night so no excuses.) But other than that, it sounded good. And several Frenchy friends listened and appreciated. So that’s good enough for me. I’m just trying to be faithful to the small things God asks me to do. The results are in His hands.

For those interested in seeing the broadcast on “how God takes our nothing and makes it into something”, here it is:

Janey L. DeMeo
Copyright©January 2008


Unknown said...

Hi Janey,

Bonjour et ca va?! Perhaps, I may learn more French from you!

God bless as His result are best...praise God you are His available vessel.


Janey DeMeo said...

Thank you Kelly. God bless you. Hope you get a chance to hear the broadcast some time.
