Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Palin pales her opponent – a voice in the wilderness.

Just when I was tempted to think there’s no hope left for America, a voice in the wilderness comes forth to speak some words of wisdom: Sarah Palin.

No, I’m not good with politics. But I’m not stupid either (dah!) While I don’t believe all the propaganda that flies around – whether regarding Democrats or Republicans or even Hollywoodians for that matter – I know when something clashes with Bible values, or supports them. Sarah Palin’s speech at the Republican Convention rang true to me. I hope it did to you too.

So far, I’ve been more impressed by Cindy McCain than her husband. But since Palin’s been brought into the picture, I’m much more confident that McCain could step up the plate if he is voted in. (No, I’m not a feminist at all, but with two wonderful women to back him up, John McCain’s surely gained points.)

I wonder if Mrs. Palin is an answer to prayers. Is she a sort of Deborah, a voice in the wilderness during dark times? So many Christians are disgusted by the over-indulgent spotlight on the Democrats – and are concerned about what this party’s leader promises Maybe their concern made them pray more? I don’t know. But I’m encouraged. But let’s not let up praying. May God’s will be done. And His alone. And may He find us obedient to do our part in ushering it in.

Janey L. DeMeo © Copyright September 2008

1 comment:

Kimberly Michalski said...

When the news broke regarding Sarah Palin as McCain's pick, I was THRILLED. No election year has been more meaningful to me then this. It was refreshing reading your post - which I found via CWGI.

Best- Kimberly Michalski