Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Post Vegas, July 4th post -- homeless or not?

Post Vagas Trip -- Las Vagas may be sin city but it’s also where God abounds. I guess He just has a weak spot for the lost because, believe me, He was there—amidst the poor and the rich, and with His heart yearning to reach those caught up in temporary, veneer distractions.

Undoubtedly because of your prayers, our time in Vagas was God-driven, God-given. Every second was jam-packed with activities magnifying Christ including several radio broadcasts, services, meals with awesome folk. How adventuresome it is to walk with God, led by Him. One minute we were with the homeless, the next with high-profile people and we could pour into both. Oh, and the women’s study was a great blessing… Thanks for praying.

We also met an amazing man, Josh, who lives on the streets of Vagas—by CHOICE. In other words, he’s a respectable citizen, a Math teacher, but 5 years ago, he gave up everything to live on the streets and minister to the homeless. Check out his website: http://www.geocities.com/servingjesus99212

The homeless hold a special place in my heart. And God’s.

So many children have no homes—like Lena who I’ll feature in this month’s Orphans First newsletter – www.orphansfirst.org

Still, many who have homes are really homeless since they’ve not yet secured their Heavenly abode. Their home here, and all the rest that takes place here, keeps them from reflecting on the eternal. They think they’re independent, free from needing outside help, but in fact, they’re entrapped by dependence on temporality.

July 4th -- America celebrates independence. Me too. I celebrate being free. Free to follow Him as the Newsboys sing. And I celebrate living in a free country—but with a zeal to see America return to basics and not plunge deeper into the mire of filth, amorality, compromise, luke-warm-ness…etc.

Sweet America
Sweet America, land of dreams, you have been blessed.
Do not caste away your blessing,
As worthless waste for glitter that isn’t gold.
Rather, hold fast to the dream of pure gold.
Pure gold—that lines the streets above,
Golden pure from trials’ mold.
Purified gold because you chose,
To flee from what glitters to embrace the Gold.

Copyright©July 3rd 2007, Janey L. DeMeo

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