Thursday, April 01, 2010

66 Love Letters by Larry Crabb

I review for Thomas Nelson Book Review Bloggers
66 Love Letters – A Conversation with God That Invites You into His Story reads as a two-way conversation with the author (who represents us with all our shortcomings and questions) and God.

Using the conversation as a backdrop, Dr. Crabb explains the emphasis in each book (love letter) of the Bible, and unfolds the unifying and underlying theme—the common thread that pulls each letter together and makes it practical to our lives.
Crabb highlights the human dilemma—our thirst to understand and resulting anxiety when we do not, our craving for emotional comfort and consequential confusion when there is none. His insight blows the fluff off of feel-good messages and exposes the core problem—our selfishness. He persistently points us to the only solution, the one seen in every book of the Bible, God’s Son.

My criticism of this work is that Dr. Crabb interjects some controversial viewpoints that are confusing and unnecessary. (For example, stating that Heaven is this earth remade—that would need a book to explain). But overall, I recommend this book for believers wanting to unpack the truths of the Bible in a simple way and to see the bigger picture beyond the nitty-gritty hard-stuff we often don’t “get”.

Janey L. DeMeo M.A.
Copyright © April 2010

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