Thursday, June 12, 2008

Of Dogs and of Men!

It’s pretty sad when those who’ve accepted to defend our country—to protect the innocent and stand in strong integrity against evil—become evil themselves. Shame, shame, disgust to the marines who threw an innocent puppy over a cliff. (I won’t even include the link to the story because their gore deserves no more attention other than to remind us that there are dark spots in some human heart. No dog would act like these marines.)

I recently saw a photo of another dog—one who was apparently pregnant and found herself caught in a fire. She was saved by a fireman. Thank God for that fireman and other men of integrity who serve us, mere humans, blessing us with their brave integrity. As for the beautiful dog, she had a special thanks for this fireman. You can read and see it here.

On news tonight, we met Chester. Chester is a tiny dog who goes into hospitals and nursing homes pouring out his love and affection—and bringing healing because of it.

Meanwhile, my husband and I are meeting more and more disillusioned Christians. Disillusioned by the church. By Christians. By those who claim to know Jesus but whose actions show anything but. It’s a sad thing. Especially sad considering that, in France there aren’t even half a percent Christians, and most of the churches (the few there are), are dead. Here in America, there are churches on every corner. But so few are apparently really drawing people into a deep walk with Jesus. So few really coming alongside the people and licking their wounds—like a loving dog.

No wonder my husband, a pastor who truly loves people, finds his days filled as he pours out to hurting people hungry to know about Jesus. People have been through so much. They so need to be loved and heard.

I told a friend today, “Churches would have a lot less problems if they were filled with dogs.” Oh, those precious, humble, loving, giving dogs… They have a lot to teach us.

Janey L. DeMeo, MA © June 2008 /

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