Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Colorado Christian Writer's Conference

Being a good writer isn’t enough to get published. Writing is an art—but it’s also a business.

One of the most fruitful blessings in my writing ministry has been attending writer’s conferences. They not only improved my writing drastically, but also touched my heart irrevocably. I’ve attended Write-to-Publish in Illinois several times (always in early June: and also the Colorado Christian Writer’s Conference which is coming up again in May:

The conference provides:
*excellent, professional teaching through continued classes, workshops and keynote messages;
*rich fellowship and intellectual exchange with fellow writers or potential writers;
*opportunities to meet editors and pro writers;
*spiritual uplift;
*fun, food, friends…
*exquisite surroundings

The Colorado Christian Writers Conference (CCWC)—which takes place in beautiful Estes Park surrounded by the breathtaking view of majestic mountains—is coming up in May (14th-17th). The first deadline to register is the 15th of March, after that the price goes up slightly. (The deadline will be extended to the 31st for those who mention they saw about CCWC on this blog so that’s a bonus for you.). Hey, seriously, if you’re an aspiring Christian writer, pray about going. God just might open the doors for you. The conference could change your life—not mention your writing.

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