Friday, August 25, 2006

Janey's News

August 25th, 2006

I’m writing this blog watching the Harvest Crusade 2006 on TV (I’m actually watching the Sun. night concert & preaching which I attended with my family as we also attended Friday night). Watching Mercy Me & Newsboys – two very cool & godly bands – I’m again reminded of the call. The Great Call. The call to serve the Great King & to reach the lost & dying world in every way we can.

Although our lives (my husband & I) have been wrapped in this purpose for 30 years now, these last few years have been challenging for many reasons: coming off the missionfield after 22 years serving God & people in a country where the true God is unknown—in France. It’s been difficult adjusting to abundant America while being so stringently aware that most of the world is desperately poor, even starving. It’s been hard making sense of America’s deep superficiality—now that’s a great oxymoron—and yet it’s been wonderful living in this Christian country and particularly in California, the Bible belt of this generation. You don’t know how lucky you are to live in America until you live somewhere else. I lived my entire life in Europe, half of it in France, and I’m convinced that Americans are very, very, very fortunate. Christ is preached here, in spite of all the other garbage we see.

Anyway, before getting too off track, I just wanted to thank each person that reads this blog who is doing what they can to make a difference on this earth. Thanks for those praying for the suffering children.

Another thought struck a strong chord in my heart – there are some things we cannot control and sometimes those things seem to become our nightmare. My husband told me about a guy in his thirties who left the ways of the Lord in search of a partner. Why? Because he is lonely. Because he’s not yet found a wife. Because his faith is weak & he’s lost hope. My heart goes out to him. I remember being single & thinking God would never bring the “right” one to me. I know many singles in this situation. So hard. They cannot make it happen. They can only depend on God, & at times faith dwindles & hope drowns in despair. The same feeling is there when we desire for certain things to change in our lives: have a home, have financial security, see the orphans of the world in godly homes, whatever…it seems impossible. Imagine BEING an orphan waiting for a family. That must seem impossible. But still there is a truth that remains: with God all things ARE possible.

Are we the Christians instruments of impossibilities becoming possible—through our prayers and our participation? I believe so.

There are still thousands of children who need to be fostered, loved, adopted, loved, rescued, fed, loved, educated, loved, encouraged and loved. That’s fact. So what are we doing about their fate? Are we ignoring it? Or are we taking it on, bearing it in our hearts, grieving so we can pray.

I read this recently in The Return of the Prodigal Son by Henri Nouwen (Image Books, Doubleday, p. 129): “This kind of grieving is praying. There are so few mourners left in this world. But grief is the discipline of the heart that sees the sin of the world, and knows itself to be the sorrowful price of freedom without which love cannot bloom. I am beginning to see that much of praying is grieving.”
I agree. I think sometimes our deep grieving in empathy with mankind allows the Spirit to utter inexpressible words Heavenward. May we be available to grieve for others, to pray & intercede for those so much needier than ourselves.

For those interested in Heaven Help Me Raise These Children! (CarePoint Ministries), I have several chapters in that book reflecting this same subject.

Until soon…A bientôt.


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