Friday, January 27, 2017

You Carried Me, an abortion survivor's story


This week we remember the holocaust. Today thousands of women around the country march for pro-life -- to protest the modern holocaust of millions of abortions (some performed even in late-term pregnancy). My review of You Carried Me, A Daughter's Memoir--the story of a botched abortion who survived to tell her story--could not be more pertinent. Hope it inspires you to read the book.

What must it feel like to discover you were aborted? To discover that you were meant to die, but instead you lived--and you cannot understand why your birth mother wanted you killed? You Carried Me, a daughter’s memoir recounts Melissa Ohden’s life and escape from death—from a botched-abortion, turned accidental birth, to forgiveness for all who were involved in seeking her death.

Adopted by hard working, God-fearing parents at only two-months-old, experiences the same humble joys and challenges any child growing up in the heart of rural America encounters. Surrounded by a large extended family, siblings and church friends, her life seems normal. She is just an ordinary girl. Or so she thinks.

It is not until her sister’s unplanned pregnancy that Melissa, now a teen, discovers the haunting secret about her own past—she is an abortion survivor. This traumatizing news plunges her into a dark space and launches her quest to know why her birth parents had wanted to have her killed. Did they even know she was alive?

Melissa Ohden brings us on an incredible and intimate journey full of shocking twists and turns as she tries to contact her birth parents and anyone who may know something about why she was aborted. Her story is riveting, compelling and enlightening. Things are not always what they seem to be. Beyond the helpless baby, abortions have many other victims.

Ohden, now a wife and mother, is an advocate for adults and children impacted by abortion and has appeared before congress and on TV. She is also the founder of the Abortion Survivors Network. She holds a Master of Social Work and has worked with cases of substance abuse, mental health, domestic violence, and child welfare.

You Carried Me is an easy read, page-turner with a story you will never forget. I highly recommend it--especially to anyone wanting to better understand abortion and its victims as well as those seeking healing from abortion.

This excellent book by Plough Publishing released this month. Find out more at

This story also appears in Assist News Service

Janey DeMeo M.A.

Copyright © January 2017

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