Monday, March 28, 2011

Knowing God, Knowing Myself

Candid. Authentic. Pure. Inspiring. Quietly challenging. A few words that come to mind to describe Knowing God, Knowing Myself, An Invitation to Daily Discovery by Cecil Murphey.

In Knowing God, Knowing Myself, best-selling author Cec Murphey opens his heart, candidly sharing secret struggles and experiences that taught him more about himself – and about God.

The chapters of Knowing God, Knowing Myself are short and sweet, making it an easy-read. Each chapter shares personal anecdotes, related Scriptures and ends with a thought-provoking maxim, which serves as a stepping-stone to keep us moving forward in spiritual growth.

Murphey’s vulnerability makes this book a spiritual heart-probe. When a person is willing to talk about their own growing pains and weaknesses like a friend confiding in another friend, it helps you let down your guard, discard your self-deception and take a deeper look at your own blind spots so as to learn to deal with them in a biblical manner.

This book draws us into an unveiled look at ourselves, which then leads us to deeper walk with God—God who loves us as we are, weaknesses and all. I recommend it for new Christians and mature believers as well. A great read.

Copyright © March 2011

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